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Friday, January 4, 2008


Guys this is a circuit for a RF robot..It has been taked directly from TRI site..
This is much simpler and easier to make..check it out

Ever wondered how you can get rid of that long wired tail dangling out of your remote control robot? Well, transforming your wired remote control into a wire-less one isn’t as difficult as you may think!
The easiest solution would be to hack those cheap wireless toy cars, take their electronic guts out and use them in your robot. But if you want more flexibility, you can build a custom remote control system. And here’s an article on how we are going to do that:

The idea is to use off-the-shelf RF Tx/Rx modules. These modules, once a rare commodity, are now widely and cheaply available. In this particular discussion, we shall be using ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) based TX/RX pair operating at 433 MHz. The transmitter module accepts serial data at a maximum of XX baud rate.
They can be directly interfaced to a microcontroller or can be used in remote control applications with the help of encoder/decoder ICs. The encoder IC takes in parallel data at the TX side, packages it into serial format and then transmits it with the help of a RF transmitter module. At the RX end, the decoder IC receives the signal via the RF receiver module, decodes the serial data and reproduces the original data in the parallel format.
ASK Transmitter ASK Reciever
Now in order to control say one motor, we require 2 bits of information while we need 4 bits of information to control 2 motors. HT12E and HT12D are 4 channel encoder/decoder ICs directly compatible with the specified RF module. The schematic is as shown below
In order to drive motors, we would need to connect a suitable motor driver at the output of the decoder IC. The motor driver circuit can consist of a Relay, transistorized H-Bridge or motor driver ICs like the L293D, L298 etc.


alriches said...

Can we operate this rf remote control with batteries that have 1.5 volts size AA or AAA OR 3volts lithium batteries?

Thank you.

pedro said...

can I connect data out of ht12e direct in data in of ht12d?
if my english is not perfect, is because I am Portuguese. sorry :)